Friday, December 29, 2017

Top 10 Facts About The Solar System

"Let us reverentially contemplate with the eyes of faith the Infant Babe. What sublime mysteries rise up before the soul! The Son of God is clasped and confined in Mary's arms, yet planets and systems revolve in His immensity. The Babe appears weak and helpless, yet He is the Omnipotent by Whom all things were made; His tiny Hand sustains, as it was He that produced, the universe."
~ Rev. T. H. Kinane, P.P., The Lamb of God, imprimatur 1880 Dublin.

(Photo found on the Internet)

I recently helped my daughter with a science experiment about the planet Neptune. Did you know that it's 2.795 BILLION miles from the sun? Looking up these facts inspired and amazed us with the enormity of the universe that God created. And the above quote kept ringing in my head - "yet planets and systems revolve in His immensity."

A tiny Babe in a manger...looking like any other newborn (except for His Infinite Beauty), and yet "His tiny Hand sustains the universe." Food for thought, eh?

Friday, December 22, 2017

(Statue in the Stone House built by Mother Cabrini's spiritual daughters in Golden, Colorado)

WHEREAS, Mother Cabrini came to Denver in 1902 to help Italian immigrants who worked in mines and on railroads; and
WHEREAS, Mother Cabrini opened the Queen of Heaven Orphanage to care for girls ages 2-15 in Denver from 1905 through 1967; and
WHEREAS, Mother Cabrini purchased 900 acres of land in Mount Vernon Canyon with spectacular views of Denver to serve as a summer camp for the girls from the Queen of Heaven Orphanage, and often expressed her love for Colorado and the Rocky Mountains; and
WHEREAS, the summer camp in Mount Vernon Canyon was said to have no source of water on the property, but Mother Cabrini told her sisters who accompanied her to the foothills, “move that rock and you will find water clean enough to drink,” and the spring of water still flows today, with many giving testimony to the water’s impact in helping relieve their suffering and ailments; and
WHEREAS, Mother Cabrini Shrine is a Colorado landmark, with a 22-foot statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, offering a quiet place of meditation and prayer for people to come; and
WHEREAS, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the religious order founded by Mother Cabrini, have served and ministered to Coloradans since 1902; and
WHEREAS, Mother Cabrini opened 67 schools, orphanages, and hospitals in her relatively short lifetime and was canonized as America’s first citizen saint in 1946 and named the Patroness of Immigrants; and
WHEREAS, Mother Cabrini died 100 years ago on this day, and Coloradans are encouraged to reflect on the positive contributions she gave to the poor, immigrants, and children in need;
Therefore, I, John W. Hickenlooper, Governor of the State of Colorado, do hereby proclaim, December 22, 2017, as
in the State of Colorado.

John W. Hickenlooper
GIVEN under my hand and the Executive Seal of the State of Colorado, this twenty-second day of December, 2017

Where to Find My Writing!

  A Photo I took in Siena, Italy last summer. Happy Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, everyone! As you see, I'm not regularly posting her...